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Apply and get the Job - Why you don’t end up being called for an interview

1 December 2017

Nowadays most job applications are now online. You found a job ad for an entry position online in ABC Company, with your skills and qualifications. You feel you’re the right person, but ABC Company requires an online application. And if you submit your resume online how can you ensure it gets the attention it deserves?

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How to get the right job in Nigeria – Networking tips for job seekers

13 November 2017

How many times have you heard the phrase, “It’s not what you know it’s who you know.”? I hear that often. Having the right qualifications, work experience and well written cover are all excellent tools to have while looking for a great job, but there’s one tool that too often gets overlooked, and that is networking to find a job.

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How to write a good cover letter? Let's impress hiring manager in Nigeria

9 November 2017

You’ve got the right qualification and the skills, you’ve found the job on Job portals and you are ready to apply. The only difficulty you’re having is translating your skills and experience into a blank word document. The text cursor blinks relentlessly, waiting for you to type.

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What traits are contemporary managers in Africa lacking the most?

18 October 2017

The Paylab.com salary portal completed an employee survey on the characteristics that contemporary managers lack the most. The survey is part of PAYLAB COMPENSATION MONITOR which observes on regular basis trends related to remuneration. Paylab asked employees over the world and also in Africa to evaluate their direct supervisor. How do employees view present-day leaders in Africa? What kind of relationship do they have with their direct superiors?

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Money makes the world go around - Negotiate your salary in Nigeria

9 October 2017

The lyrics of a trending song goes “money makes the world go around”. Of course that we can be sure. And others say money is the root of all evil. But that I can’t be sure. We are all grown up now, so it's time to become confidence and firm with our salary negotiation. It’s our wish visiting places we've only seen in our dreams. Whether those dreams involve sipping champagne and sitting on a white sand and having Domenico Crolla’s “Pizza Royale 007” at lunch time, or debauchery-filled nights and never-ending fun.

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